Source code for icrawler.parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import time
from threading import current_thread

from six.moves import queue
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit

from icrawler.utils import ThreadPool

[docs]class Parser(ThreadPool): """Base class for parser. A thread pool of parser threads, in charge of downloading and parsing pages, extracting file urls and put them into the input queue of downloader. Attributes: global_signal: A Signal object for cross-module communication. session: A requests.Session object. logger: A logging.Logger object used for logging. threads: A list storing all the threading.Thread objects of the parser. thread_num: An integer indicating the number of threads. lock: A threading.Lock object. """ def __init__(self, thread_num, signal, session): """Init Parser with some shared variables.""" super(Parser, self).__init__(thread_num, name='parser') self.signal = signal self.session = session
[docs] def parse(self, response, **kwargs): """Parse a page and extract image urls, then put it into task_queue. This method should be overridden by users. :Example: >>> task = {} >>> self.output(task) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def worker_exec(self, queue_timeout=2, req_timeout=5, max_retry=3, **kwargs): """Target method of workers. Firstly download the page and then call the :func:`parse` method. A parser thread will exit in either of the following cases: 1. All feeder threads have exited and the ``url_queue`` is empty. 2. Downloaded image number has reached required number. Args: queue_timeout (int): Timeout of getting urls from ``url_queue``. req_timeout (int): Timeout of making requests for downloading pages. max_retry (int): Max retry times if the request fails. **kwargs: Arguments to be passed to the :func:`parse` method. """ while True: if self.signal.get('reach_max_num'):'downloaded image reached max num, thread %s ' 'is ready to exit', current_thread().name) break # get the page url try: url = self.in_queue.get(timeout=queue_timeout) except queue.Empty: if self.signal.get('feeder_exited'): 'no more page urls for thread %s to parse', current_thread().name) break else:'%s is waiting for new page urls', current_thread().name) continue except: self.logger.error('exception in thread %s', current_thread().name) continue else: self.logger.debug('start fetching page {}'.format(url)) # fetch and parse the page retry = max_retry while retry > 0: try: base_url = '{0.scheme}://{0.netloc}'.format(urlsplit(url)) response = self.session.get(url, timeout=req_timeout, headers={'Referer': base_url}) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( 'Exception caught when fetching page %s, ' 'error: %s, remaining retry times: %d', url, e, retry - 1) else:'parsing result page {}'.format(url)) for task in self.parse(response, **kwargs): while not self.signal.get('reach_max_num'): try: if isinstance(task, dict): self.output(task, timeout=1) elif isinstance(task, str): # this case only work for GreedyCrawler, # which need to feed the url back to # url_queue, dirty implementation self.input(task, timeout=1) except queue.Full: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( 'Exception caught when put task %s into ' 'queue, error: %s', task, url) else: break if self.signal.get('reach_max_num'): break self.in_queue.task_done() break finally: retry -= 1'thread {} exit'.format(current_thread().name))
def __exit__(self):'all parser threads exited')